Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is a MOTHER ? Acronym / Titus 2 Moms

 My friend Cindy gave a devotional talk for our Titus 2 Moms group last week.  She does not have her own blog, so for a spot for the moms to read what she said, her notes are posted here from  May 22-27.


O-- Observant. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is an example of an observant parent. In Luke, chapter 2, the angels appeared to the shepherds and told them a baby had just been born who would be the Savior they had been waiting for. They then went to the stable and worshipped the newborn Christ. Mary must have been amazed at the adulation her tiny baby received. We are told she began to take special note of everything that happened to her child.

Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  (Luke 2:19)

 . . . treasured all these things in her heart.”(Luke 2:51)

Without question, Mary had a unique Son. But you also have a unique child.  Mary was a careful observer of everything her child did and everything that happened to him. You will do well to do the same. Learn about his STRENGTHS! Stop focusing on what he can’t do and discover together all that God created him to do! The money spent on a strengths assessment will be the best investment you ever make in your child!

As your child grows, her own special qualities and abilities will become more obvious. You will become more and more amazed at the differences between her and other children. When you make it a point to know your child well by carefully studying and observing her, you will be better equipped to guide and train him.

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