Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Elisabeth Elliot / Let Me Be A Woman / Mothers Day Book Study

For Mothers Day Week


by Elisabeth Elliot

Chapter 6:  Jellyfish and Pride
This chapter is a remembrance of a conversation Elisabeth had with her daughter when Valerie  was about three years old.  Valerie wonders why  God made jellyfish and tigers; the jellyfish because one stung her once, the tigers because she was afraid of them.  I love Elisabeth's answer that by being a jellyfish (or a tiger), it glorifies its Creator and fulfills its Creator's command.  These creatures "know" what they are made for.  We have been specifically told what we are made for--to glorify God also in all we do and say in the place right where we are today. 

When we choose to rebel against that and live in a way that we know is not pleasing to God or goes contrary to His known instructions to us, it's similar to the jellyfish or tiger deciding to act like a whale.  Nothing will seem right.  Nothing will go smoothly.  We will have a hard time deciding what is best for us.  We will not be content.  We will constantly be searching for something better.  The next time I / you have that "restless"  or discontented feeling, we should examine ourselves and see if our pride is standing in our way of obeying what we know God would have us do.  There is only one God and He is not me (or you).  

Prayer for Your Children:  Honesty / Integrity

May integrity and honesty be their virtue and their protection.  (Psalm 25: 21)


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