Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Seasons of Life ... Time to Cross Stitch

I used to do cross stitch when my children were very young... before our homeschooling days.  Now that our youngest is about to move out of the house for college [bittersweet to me]  I've picked it back up again.

How do you like these two cards I made last week?

Cross Stitch Handmade Card

Cross Stitch Handmade Card

I also tried my hand(s) at quilling... something I'd only done once before marriage, before kids...  It was quite easy to do.  Saving these pieces to add embellishments to cards at a later time.

My P52 photo for Week #34

Quilling Tonya Travelstead P52

Working with your hands can be a pleasurable way to spend some time, especially if doing something mundane like watching television in the evenings... handmade gifts are so cherished.  Give a little of yourself to someone else...

1 Thess 4:11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands...

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Buried Treasure ... Treasured Memories

It's been windy and rainy lately here in Florida.  My husband and I were sitting in the front yard over the weekend and a little bit of color peeked through the mulch.  With all the wind, this buried treasured artwork--a mosaic stepping stone-- made by one of our sons had been covered in the mulch.

It's funny how little things can spark memories.  He made this one summer in an art camp.  I think he was about 8 or 9 years old at the time (now 25).  Because the tiles are coated and encased in concrete it will probably last longer than we do.  Whenever I see this, I think back to those special years of having two young boys at home and am so thankful I was able to be home with them...

...years of joyful play
...swimming and shrieks of laughter
...lots of little boy friends over to play
...homeschooling and learning together
...story time at the library
...Barney and Arthur
...afternoon snack time
...cuddles and naptime

SO thankful for these sweet memories...my own personal treasures from long ago.

P52, Week #32
Tonya Travelstead P52

Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. 

Parsley "Tea": A Natural Diuretic

Parsley "Tea" I was walking with my daughter-in-law this morning and thought I had posted about this here... such a great tip when...