Friday, September 23, 2011

HOME BUSINESS: Selling on Ebay Questions and Answers #1

A friend asked me to consider writing about some of my experiences selling on Ebay in addition to the tutorials I  have HERE on this blog.  I'll try to do this every now and then for a time in a Q & A format.  Let me know if you have any specific questions so I can address them here.

                    What made you decide to start selling seriously on Ebay and Amazon?

There were actually a few reasons:

1.  My husband had purchased a Mac computer and I could not stand to see it just sitting on the desk not "earning its keep".  Macintosh computers really do work great but they are a bit pricey.  We are definitely a multiple Mac family now.

2.  We needed some extra income for homeschool materials and also really desired to take some family trips together. It was very important to us that I stay home with the children and I prayed about how to accomplish what we wanted and do that as well.  This, it seemed, was the Lord's answer to that prayer request.    The income from Ebay combined with that from my piano lesson business took us on a wonderful "splurge" family trip to Washington State and  British Columbia the first year I began.  They have also paid for  trips to North Carolina, Tennessee and Washington, DC over the years.  All of our homeschool materials were paid for as well as some of the tuition at our umbrella school.  I always use the $$ to cover all of our Christmas shopping and expenses.

3.  I knew of the experiences of two friends at church who had been selling on Ebay.  One woman was already a major PowerSeller selling children's clothing and was also a homeschool mom at home like me making $1,000+ each month; the other was a man who sold part-time but had recently earned enough by selling four little Gunsmoke action figures to take his wife on a short European trip for their 25th anniversary.

4.  I love learning new things and have a "bent" for business.  I had been in the corporate world specializing in accounting and finance for 8 years before having children. I also find  computers fascinating and extremely useful if harnassed wisely. I have to admit though that  originally,  my two sons taught me everything I knew about computers up to that point.  They always seem to know all the up-to-date tekkie info. :)  I am constantly reading and enjoy trying new things.  When I first began, being a reader, I checked out every book at our library that I could find about selling on Ebay.  Trial and error taught me a lot, too.

What were your first incentives to keep you selling?

That one is easy.  My very first two sales were for two items that I had purchased at yard sales for literally 50 cents each.  One was a Tiffany black velvet ring box that was damaged and one was a commemorative Coca-Cola / Holiday Inn bottle filled with soda.  I sold the ring box for $52.00 and the soda bottle for $50.00.  $102.00 for $1.00 investment was all it took to get me started.

I've had several instances like this, often just stumbled upon although I have now have a reasonable library of reference books and of course, the internet to research. When you're dealing with collectors, especially one who is looking for a specific item, you can almost guarantee a good return on your investment.     Collectibles is now the largest and most profitable category in my Ebay store.

How much do you spend on inventory?

I started out not paying more than $1.00 for anything that I sold as funds were much more limited then.  Even now, being the frugal mom that I am, I rarely spend more than $5.00 on an item to resell.  I have purchased a few things for $25+ but only if I am certain that I can at least double what I paid for them (and I did).  I started my business officially by taking $100 out of our savings account and using it to shop at garage sales.  I replaced that initial $100 within one week and the business has been self-sustaining ever since.  I probably average purchasing about $50 - $75 worth of inventory each month.  The Lord has blessed me with three consignors as well.  If you'd like to see what is in my store, click on the Ebay link in the right-hand column of this blog under the tab MY HOME BUSINESSES.

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