Monday, January 11, 2010

Death of a Friend Christian Mom Dancer / CVS

Menu tonight:

  • Stromboli made with leftover roast chicken, Swiss cheese, banana peppers (homemade dough); leftover corn casserole and fresh fruit salad
Last night I attended the memorial service of a friend, a couple of years older than I am,  whom I had not seen in awhile.  We attended the same church for many years together long ago.  I played the piano for her church in December and noticed that she was not there but neglected to ask about her. I wish I had, since she had been ill for awhile and I did not know. The service was standing room only with not nearly enough seats for all who attended, many like my husband and I, who had not seen her for some time but had fond memories of her.  
       One thing during the service that really stood out to me was a projected slide of her wearing a beautiful white dress, her long red hair down, smiling from ear to ear on her wedding day  I'm sure in the original photo she was smiling at her about-to-be husband, but  it was such a beautiful reminder of the church as the bride of Christ on her way to meet her Bridegroom in heaven.  Many don't realize that's why the bride wears white in a wedding or that it's even referred to in the Scriptures.

I always remember Debbie as a shining light with a face beaming for the Lord.  I don't remember ever having heard a word of criticism or negative-ness from her. She loved her husband and their two sons, who are about the same ages as mine are, very dearly and gave up so much for them.  She was a ballet dancer and used her beautiful gift in worship, one of the few I have ever seen who truly worshipped and led others to worship when doing so.  Someone wrote a poem for her titled "Ah, bright light..." which is the perfect description for her life well lived.  God graciously let her pass into heaven in her sleep without pain.  I am sure that she is dancing for the Lord today,  healthy and vibrant with a huge smile on her face, and that He welcomed her last Monday with the long-awaited words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."  She will be missed by all whose lives she touched.

Psalm 116: 15
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.
On another note, a tip for you... I was at CVS the other day picking up a prescription for my mother and stocking up on everyday items (Tylenol, contact cleaner, Campho-Phenique, etc.) to spend down our health spending account from 2009.  I checked out at the register and forgot to give the lady my coupons until after she had already rung up everything.  I mentioned it to her and she said that was OK, that she could just give me the CASH for the coupons!  I was shocked to get money back AFTER the sale.  I don't know if all CVS's do that, but it was certainly appreciated that this one did. 

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