1Thessalonians 3:12
and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you;
Today is Thursday--the day I publish our church's weekly E-News letter. I started this as a ministry to the women several years ago and have expanded it to include our entire church and friends of our church (former members who have come and gone over the years, generally). What began as a 2-3 page announcements letter has now expanded to 20+ pages of prayer requests, articles by our pastor and elders, the church calendar, missions, announcements, a financial summary and sharing with each other (ads). My purpose, as stated in each newsletter is: to enhance communication and fellowship with our church family and friends...simply stated, it is a way for us all to grow in love for one another.
I work on it a little each day so I'm not overwhelmed, and because I use many of my gifts, it is very enjoyable as well as a blessing to our church. I also send out a photo supplement with pictures that I take myself of church activities and events throughout the week or that others submit to me to be included. Currently we do not have our own church building so we generally see each other only on Sundays. There are meetings and Bible studies during the week but not everyone attends. The E-News is a way for everyone to stay in touch, pray for one another and share items with the rest of the congregation and friends that they might not otherwise get a chance to. I encourage every church to have a method of weekly contact with its members regularly by blogging, newsletters or Facebook (our church does all three). It's easy to get lost in the crowd, even in a relatively smaller church. There is something God-placed, deep in the heart of every person: the longing to know and be known. You were made to “know” others and for others to “know” you.
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