Thursday, November 19, 2009

Giving Thanks, Thanksgiving, Mercy of God and People

My 26 days of Thanksgiving continues:

19. I am thankful for mercy, particularly that of God, which I am reminded of when people manifest it to me.
This article is #19 in my 26 days of Thanksgiving but is certainly not ranked #19. I generally write as events happen in daily life. Since I was shown mercy yesterday afternoon I am writing about it this morning.

Mercy: A blessing that is an act of favor or compassion. (Webster's Dictionary)

At 2:30 p.m. yesterday afternoon I was on my way to pick up my younger son from his Spanish class on a neighborhood street not far from our home. I was running late and rushing to get there on time. As soon as I rounded a curve I saw three police officers with one holding the radar gun pointed at me and another motioning me to pull over. Ever had that sinking feeling in your stomach? I was going 34 in a 25 mile zone, and I knew that I deserved a speeding ticket. Ching-ching-ching...$$$. The officer took my license, insurance and registration and checked my driving record. After walking back to my car he asked me if I knew how long it had been since I had gotten a ticket; I didn't remember, so he told me--2001. He handed me my cards, said slow down and smiled. What a relief! Especially when my speeding ticket would have cost us $80.50.

It reminds me of God and His great mercy toward us. We all know deep down, that no matter how we look on the inside, or whatever we do that seems like a good thing, we are still not perfect. In God's economy that deserves death for all eternity. It is a marvelous mystery to us that when one accepts a specific person (Jesus) as Savior (for your sins) AND as Lord (over everything in your life) that He shows mercy and gives a free gift of eternal life.

We live in such a reciprocal culture--you do something for me, I do something for you and the cycle continues. Sometimes people try to even outdo each other. This gift from God is not like that since there is nothing we can give that is more valuable or lasting to Him, so we give of ourselves. It is a gift He loves and cherishes. Your reading this article at this moment was ordained by God. If you have never prayed to accept Jesus into your life, I urge to make today the day of your salvation. This would truly be something to give thanks for next Thursday.

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