Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday : A Day of Worship and Rest / Mother's Day

If you weren't able to make it to church on Mother's Day, HERE is the sermon from our church service this morning on the book of Ruth titled The Journey From Bitter to Blessed.

Excerpt from John Piper :

The book of Ruth wants to teach us that God’s purpose for the life of his people is to connect us to something far greater than ourselves. God wants us to know that when we follow him, our lives always mean more than we think they do. For the Christian there is always a connection between the ordinary events of life and the stupendous work of God in history. Everything we do in obedience to God, no matter how small, is significant. It is part of a cosmic mosaic which God is painting to display the greatness of his power and wisdom to the world and to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places (Ephesians 3:10). The deep satisfaction of the Christian life is that it is not given over to trifles. Serving a widowed mother-in-law, gleaning in a field, falling in love, having a baby—for the Christian these things are all connected to eternity. They are part of something so much bigger than they seem.


This Mother's Day is in the middle three big events at our home.  Both of our sons graduate--one from college and one from high school, plus our 25th anniversary is in between.

Graduations can be bittersweet times, but this year is mostly sweet.   I am thankful that they both walk closely with the Lord and  that they are young men of character and integrity.   Raising them to independence is our goal, right?   Since my older son moved out of the house 3 years ago, these milestones are less dramatic.   [I say that now, let's see how I do on Friday at the graduation ceremony.]
Here is a photo of me the day after I became a mother for the first time holding our older son.  Little did I know how much my life would change or how it is possible to love another person as much as I love him.  For me the birth of our first son was particularly sweet because, since I was adopted as an infant, I have never had anyone in my family who looked like me.  The dear family I grew up with were all very tall, with angled facial features and blue or green eyes.  I am short, have dimples, with almond shaped, dark brown eyes.  Our baby  looked just like I did when I was a baby!  What a gift.

Here he is 5 years later holding his little brother who is about one day old in this photo.  [I had an ectopic pregnancy in between these two births, with one fallopian tube removed, so our second son is our "miracle" baby.]  Our second baby was just as beautiful and looked just like me, too.  He even has my dimples!  :)   [My husband has blond hair and blue eyes, but they got his body build and good looks. :)]  And miracle of miracles, you really can love another child as much as the first one!  How can that be?

About 3 years later...a favorite Easter photo.

Another 10 years...

Another 5... (last week)

And today...  :)

Looking back, the  years seem to have truly gone by quickly but I have many, many cherished memories with them.  I am one blessed mother indeed.   Thank  you, Lord, for these two sons, the sweetest of gifts.  It has been an adventure being their teacher and is always a joy to be their mom.

My prayer for each of  them...

Psalm 1:1-2 
How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!  But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.  And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season, And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. 

HERE is a  link to more of my previous Mother's Day posts
a tribute to my mother who passed away last year.

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