Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Changing Attitudes: Daily Pill Vitamin Reminders

This little convenience pill / vitamin organizer really does help me remember to take my vitamins and one medicine each day.  I used to think they were just for old people (at 56, I'm not one  yet!), but honestly I would completely forget to take anything if it weren't for this little item.

On Monday mornings I fill it for the week--2 vitamins (multi and calcium), one supplement, and one thyroid medicine.  Guess you could call it my "health box" rather than a "pill box" since only one is a med.

It is a VERY handy thing.  Don't say no to something just because your mother does / did it.  Sometimes those little habits are quite beneficial.


Linda said...

I'm with you girl! Never thought I would have one of these till I was at least 70, but we now have the AM/PM one, so it is twice the size of yours. No hiding it for sure. Most of the meds are supplement, except for one prescription for me, but I take the Calcium and Fish Oil twice a day and they are big! Also take a B Complex and an 81 mg aspirin. And I hate to swallow pills...takes me forever!

Susan said...

I've been using one for years! Most of mine are supplements too (just added baby aspirin). I fill mine up on Sunday evenings. Have 2 of them -- usually take trips lasting more than 1 week.

Mrs. T. said...

A simple way to stay organized and stay healthy! Health over vanity always wins out for me and who's going to see it? :)

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