On my way to pick up my 11th grader from his PSAT test this morning I heard this broadcast from Focus on the Family. Although this ministry is missing Dr. James Dobson these days, I still subscribe to its podcasts and listen regularly.
I'm listening to today's broadcast as I type this. The speaker is Dr. Richard Swenson
; The Topic is Restoring Balance to Your Life. Here are the links to PART 1, and to PART 2. (I especially like today's broadcast which was Part 2.) Get a cup of coffee, put your feet up, sit back and listen for awhile. Some humorous scenarios in this two-part broadcast as well...
Some of my notes from his comments:
- We have to seek renewal in the everyday events of life.
- We actually NEED a moderate amount of stress in our lives.
- Learn to notice your physical symptoms when you have too much stress
- The Bible doesn't mention Jesus "running" anywhere (like we do)
- Make time for the Divine appointments. Jesus' ministry was often the person right in front of Him.
- God does His best work in the face of human limits and weaknesses
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is an appointed time for everything.
And there is a time for every event under heaven —
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