Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Decluttering Your Closet / Coathangers and Shoes

If you looked into your closet right now, what would it look like?  It seems that I am constantly organizing and re-organizing our closet.  My husband and  I share a walk-in closet and it has to stay tidy or you can't find anything.  Too many hangers OR clothes and everything gets squished and wrinkled.   Yesterday I couldn't stand my shoes all over the floor so I straightened them up and gave two pairs away.

Now I can actually see what is in there and they ALL are wearable.

I only had about 30 minutes to work on this project so next I tackled all the extra  coat hangers in there.  My husband's pants go to the cleaners often and we end up with WAY too many hangers taking up valuable closet space.  

How does this.. .

...become this?

I have a lower rack on our closet shelving where I hang GOOD hangers now...

...and I took the extras to the dry cleaners.  The last time I was in I asked if I could bring our used hangers back and they were delighted to get them.  

Decluttering and reorganizing this little part of our closet took about 30 minutes.  I had been avoiding it because I thought it would take a lot longer.  Don't procrastinate.  Do a little at a time and the annoying places / eyesores  in your home tidy up pretty quickly.

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