Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12: Contentment with Your Hair Color Going Gray


Psa. 119:11 Your word I have treasured in my heart,
That I may not sin against You. 

Psa. 19:7-8  The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul;
The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 
The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 


Col. 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 


Learn to check the appearance of your soul every day just as willingly as you check your physical apperance...The Bible is the mirror for checking up on your soul. (Henry Brandt)

[excerpted from Contentment: A Matter of the Heart by Karen Horsey / Karen's Kreations]
Mom's Bragging Corner:  My older son is a graphic design major in college and just developed a new website.   Check it out!  

GOING GRAY:  There is actually a book about this that I found and read from the library.  Interesting reading.  

It has always struck me curious why so many women--both young and old--color their hair, especially the strange  neon colors that are popular these days.  I've asked different women this question and have gotten a variety of answers:

  1.   To hide the gray
  2.   To change the color to a prettier color
  3.   To look younger
  4.   To look more mature
  5.   To look hip and fashionable
  6.   To look like ____________

There are probably other reasons but these are the most common.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for enhancing one's appearance by wearing complimentary clothing, wearing natural looking makeup, having a stylish haircut, gaining or losing weight, painting fingernails/toenails...There's something though, about coloring hair that just doesn't set right with me and I have never wanted to do it.  So far, at age 54, I have not.  For the record, I do have a small amount of gray scattered throughout my hair but from a distance, it still looks fairly dark (see profile photo).  

Once you start coloring your hair, you can't stop unless you want to shock the daylights out of people.   A couple of my friends did that --went from dark brown to totally gray in about a month.  At first it was a shock, but now it looks completely natural and normal for them.  It can get pretty expensive, too--from $10 if you do it yourself, upwards to $50-75 for a professional coloring in a salon.  For my opinion on it, we're all going to age no matter what we do, so we may as well age gracefully and let others get used to how we look in our aging as the process continues.  
I wouldn't want people to think that I'm 30-something any more than I would want them to think I'm 60-something.  With age comes a maturity and a blossoming that is so attractive both to men and other women.  It sure makes it easier to pick out in a crowd who might be in your age bracket, for common interests, good conversation, life experiences, etc.   When I see women my age with obviously dyed hair (not highlights), I want to just hug them and say You looked great just the way you were...There's no need to hide your age.   When I see younger women with the rock star colors, I would  love to ask, why do you need to call attention to yourself?   Or who are you trying to imitate?  You are lovely just the way you are.
If you color your hair for whatever reason, think about the motive for doing so. If it's one of the "hiding" reasons, try to evaluate what it is you are hiding from and come out into the open where we can really see you.  If it is to be like someone else, think about those role models and ponder if you really want to be like them.  If you are coloring your hair  just for fun and the love of color... then go for it.  :)

For Christians,

Prov. 16:31 A gray head is a crown of glory; it is found in the way of righteousness. 


susieloulou said...

I'm still reading every day - love your blog! And I completely agree about the hair coloring. I told my aunt I'm pretending I don't have any gray and she asked "How much gray DO you have?" And she was sitting across from me. I said "Thanks!" :-D

susieloulou said...

Now I'm a serial poster! I remembered last night my stepmom telling me she pulled every gray hair she saw until she had a bald spot! And the woman is a blond! She's also had plastic surgery several times, she's 70 and looks good, but please! Sad to be so fixated on your youthful good looks, I think.

Steve said...

I'm with you Tonya; I'm not going to dye my hair either.

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