Thursday, December 3, 2009

Advent of Christ, Christmas Devotional, Daily Life / Household Bill Payments

26 days of Advent continues:

Letter D:

Advent Devotion for today

God carefully chose and used a messenger to proclaim His Son. He still does that today with each of us. Ask that He might use you to proclaim the Good News of His Son.

This priest, Zacharias, became the father of John the Baptist who was sent by God to "make ready a people prepared for the Lord". Talk to God today about being ready.
I am SO thankful for our medical/dental insurance provided through my husband's company and our home warranty as well, but like everything else you have to be your own advocate.

  1. Our dentist's billing office sent home a $400+ bill for us after my son's cleaning / dental work this week. I told them that this could not possibly be correct. After talking on the phone with different people three times, they finally realized that I was correct and we have a zero balance--actually we have a CREDIT to our account.
  2. The same thing happened yesterday with an air conditioning repair that was done 2 months ago. We received a bill for $132 that the supervisor had told me previously was waived (we had had maintenance done 2 months prior and the repair could have been avoided if the maintenance had been done properly). Again, after 2 phone calls, the supervisor called and said we had a zero balance since the charge was waived.
  3. And earlier this week, another A/C bill for our home of $65 had been double-billed to us. Zero balance there, too.


Payment for services rendered is reasonable but paying more than you need to or paying double is not. Keep on top of these things to avoid paying more than is necessary especially during the holiday spending season.

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