Saturday, October 24, 2009

Daffodils, Children

Someone sent me a long story in my email today which is worthy of sharing with you. I have condensed it a bit. A mother was asked by her daughter to come with her to view a daffodil garden. When they arrived...

...The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns,
great ribbons and swaths
of deep orange, creamy
white, lemon yellow, salmon
pink, and saffron and butter
yellow. Each different
colored variety was planted in
large groups so that it swirled
and flowed like its own river
with its own unique hue. There
were five acres of flowers...
A poster was at the entrance
to the garden...
"Answers to the Questions
I Know You Are asking," was
the headline.
The first answer was a simple
one. "50,000 bulbs," it read.
The second answer was, "One
at a time, by one woman.
Two hands, two feet, and
one brain."
The third answer was, "Began in 1958."
For me, that moment was a
life-changing experience.
I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more
than forty years before, had
begun, one bulb at a time, to
bring her vision of beauty and
joy to an obscure
mountaintop. Planting one bulb
at a time, year after year,
this unknown woman had
forever changed the world in
which she lived. One day at a
time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence,
beauty, and inspiration.
The principle her daffodil
garden taught is one of
the greatest principles of of celebration.
That is, learning to move
toward our goals and
desires one step at a time–often
just one baby-step at time–
and learning to love the
doing, learning to use
the accumulation of time. When
we multiply tiny pieces of time
with small increments of
daily effort, we too will find we
can accomplish magnificent
things. We can change the world.

This story reminds me of raising children...we plant one little seed at a time over a course of the years they live in our home. As time goes on and they grow older, the blossoms start appearing. We see many of them over the course of our lives with them, as they move out into the world, others see them and of course, Someone sees every single one. What a joy to have had a part in the planting.

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