Monday, February 7, 2011

Book STUDY: Twelve Extraordinary Women / Chapter 1, Part 1

I see there is so much in each chapter that I will divide it over two different days of the week.

Chapter 1 (pages 1-15):  Eve--Mother of All Living

NOTE:  The story of Eve is told in Genesis 3-4. She is also mentioned in 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:13.

...Eve must have personified all the best traits of both strength and beauty...Scripture gives us no physical description of Eve.  Her beauty--splendid as it must have been--is never mentioned or even alluded to. 

How unlike our culture with its emphasis on outward physical beauty.  How much time and money do you spend on your outward beauty?  Morning makeup ritual, hair care/color, shopping, working out / exercising... none of these things is wrong in and of themselves of course, but an over-emphasis on any  can be a warning sign of idolatry of your appearance. Certainly, don't be a slob and take no attention to how you look.  If someone gave you a new piece of furniture, you would polish and dust it and be careful that it didn't get scratched.  How much more valuable are we?  Take care of the outward that God has blessed you with.  A little makeup, clean hair and skin, pretty clothes that fit (it doesn't have to be a LOT of them) show others that you care about yourself and are taking care of His temple.  Be who God designed you to be, attractive for His glory and that of your husband (if married).  

The focus of her biblical account is on Eve's duty to her Creator and her role alongside her husband...The chief distinguishing traits of true feminine excellence are nothing superficial.  

Be careful with what you feed your mind and eyes and try not to copy the culture's ideals of what makes us beautiful.  It really is the inward qualities of the heart that the Lord finds most attractive and cherishes about us.  The world sees the outside however, (funny, I had this same discussion with someone on Saturday morning) and may not want anything to do with you if you "let yourself go".  What is your duty to God? and to your husband?  Remember Micah 6:8 which I blogged about previously.   Wives are to be helpers to their husbands, not take over the responsibility of the family and household without his input or consideration.  Respect their authority position in the home.  Harder said than done, sometimes, but life goes well when you do. Personally, I'd rather be remembered that I was a loving wife and mother rather than just as an attractive woman.

...There's nothing to indicate that Adam asked for a wife...God singlehandedly brought it to pass--as an expression of sheer grace and benevolence to Adam...he gained a loving companion, created especially for him by the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

This applies so much to single men AND women.  You don't need to go "on the hunt" for a spouse.   I am so troubled when I hear of women  who regularly search online for a husband or who frequent the clubs and bars (I can't believe this is still so popular).  If you are meant to be married, the Lord will provide the perfect spouse for you if you trust Him.  Not everyone is meant to marry (singles don't want to hear that, I know).  You just have to trust that He really does know what is best for you.  Let Him show you His grace and kindness and be grateful that if you have not married yet, that you have the time to grow in Him without the responsibilities and distractions of a spouse and family.

...Skepticism is Satan's classic modus operandi.  He questions the Word of God, suggesting uncertainty about the meaning of God's statements, raising doubt about the truthfulness of what God has said, insinuating suspicion about the motive behind God's secret purposes, or voicing apprehension about the wisdom of God's plan.  He twists the meaning of God's Word...One lie underlines a whole universe of evil: "You will be like God."...Our natural desires add to our confusion when confronted with obeying or disobeying God:  bodily appetites, aesthetic sensibilities and intellectual curiosity.  

These are great tests when facing a choice that you're not sure about being the right thing to do.  I need to remember these myself.  Is what I want to do appealing to my physical appetites--food, sex, comfort? Is it appealing to my aesthetic sensibilities--beauty, expense?  Or to my intellectual curiosity--I wonder what this would be like...I've read about this...?  If you're even questioning what you are about to do, that in itself may be a warning sign that it is NOT the right choice without going any farther.  There is so much gray in our world and not much black and white.  I think Satan loves the color gray.  Just like a dusky morning or night, it's hard to see things clearly.

...God held Adam directly accountable.  Eve's instruction and her protection were his responsibility as head of his family...

Eve's disobedience and sin does not let Adam off the hook. The Bible tell us that is was Adam (not Eve) through which sin entered the world.  His deliberate choice of eating the apple showed his rebellion, even for a moment, against God.  Our husbands and authorities are there to help us be obedient toward God.  I have a heart for singles since I married at age 31, so Single Girls, if you are interested in  someone or with them now, and they are tempting you to sin, or are not taking an active role in helping you to be more holy, let them go now.  True, people grow and change as they get older, but watch for the warning signs.  If you are married to someone like this, pray that the Lord will direct his heart to be more responsible and godly in his leadership of the home. Talk to someone you trust, perhaps an older woman or a pastor, and let them know of your concerns.  Sometimes they may see things in a different light, or can  pray with you as well.

What are your thoughts?

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