Chapter 2, p. 27-42Sarah: Hoping Against Hope
Hebrews 11:11
By faith even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised.
NOTE: The life of Sarah is told in Genesis 12-25; she is also mentioned in Isaiah 51:2, Romans 9:9, iPeter 3:6.
So many topics in this section to discuss:
- Sarah's extraordinary beauty even into old age
- Sarah's name change (Sarai to Sarah)
- Sarah's devotion to her husband despite some foolish actions on his part
- Sarah's sense of pressure that the birth of a nation depended solely on her
- Sarah's willingness to leave all that was familiar and go with her husband to an unknown place
- Sarah's scheme to "ensure" that what God had promised would be fulfilled and its consequences (Hagar/Ishmael)
Let's talk about # 5--Sarah's willingness to leave all that was familiar and go with her husband to an unknown nation. This can apply to single women as well as to those who are married since the Lord is the Bridegroom to each of us.
I have to admire Sarah for her adaptability to change especially since she and Abraham were urban people from the city of Ur, not nomads from birth. I can hardly imagine moving away from our home in the suburbs to live in the remote mountains or the country with no neighbors, stores or friends. In our culture people often move every few years but I have never liked it. Our family moved several times when I was growing up and I could hardly wait until I was on my own and could stay in one place.
Sometimes though, a family must move due to health, new job opportunities, financial and family issues. Usually it is the husband who must decide whether to go or stay. Sometimes it’s to a new neighborhood, sometimes it’s to a new state / country, sometimes into a new business venture. Do you complain and argue and nag? Or do you quietly pray and follow your husband where he leads you? Sometimes it’s a matter of your husband leading you into decisions that you would say no to. Unless it is outright sinful, let him lead you there without your kicking and screaming. Sometimes men (and women) misunderstand God’s direction and make mistakes, other times they hear Him clearly and blessings are bountiful. My point is, let your husband lead. Men learn from their mistakes and in doing so, often learn how to lead better as a result. A wise woman once told me that men can’t learn to lead unless we women let them. Men often will give in or concede to an aggressive, argumentative wife just to keep the peace. Trust the Lord that you are under His umbrella of protection by submitting to your husband.
If your husband does not lead, that’s a different story. In that case, pray and seek wisdom from your pastor or church elder what to do. Maybe it’s just a matter of him not having had a father or a good role model from which to learn how or that he’s not in the company of other men very often who can encourage and counsel him. Iron truly does sharpen iron.
If you are single, where is the Lord leading you that you do not want to go? Into a ministry? a new job? a relocation? a new relationship? Let Him direct your steps and take ONE step at a time where it seems He is leading. Sometimes by rushing too fast we don't see the warning signs, detours or turns in the road. Take it slowly and keep going in whatever direction seems right. Pray for Him to show you any roadblocks or dead ends if you feel you are going astray and trust that by submitting to His authority you are in no better place.
Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.