Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grocery Shopping Reading Food Price Labels

At first glance can you tell the difference between these two labels?  What is the price that you will pay for each of these items?  Which is actually the better buy? The blueberry juice? or the apple juice?



I shop the sales only at the Winn Dixie near us and have for awhile.  This means I only buy what's on sale at their lowest price (per The Grocery  Game) and stock up.  The rest of my groceries come from Sam's Club or Wal-Mart SuperCenter.   A friend has been steering me towards Publix lately armed with my coupons. :)

Winn Dixie recently changed their labeling tactics.  More than once I have picked up an item thinking is was incredibly inexpensive (it really was incredible) only to realize that the price I was looking at was actually the HOW MUCH YOU SAVE amount, not the cost at the register.  Thankfully I realized my  mistake before reaching the checkout line.

You can see what I mean in the top photo of blueberry juice. Is the price $1.49?  No, it's actually $2.50 each (2 for $5.00).  In the bottom photo of Apple Juice the price is $2.99 but with the BOGO (Buy One Get One Free) it's actually $1.50 each, a better buy than the Blueberry Juice.  I personally think this is a bit deceiving because shoppers are accustomed to the price being the BOTTOM number on all of the labeling.  

Publix does the same thing with their labels.

Read labels carefully at the store where you shop...  

Proverbs 31:27 
She looks well to the ways of her household... 


Patty said...

I wish stores would list clearly the unit price - and use the same unit!

Price per oz or per pound is what I care about to truly find the bargain.

Aggravating when two brands of cheese are labeled diffferently - one is "price per oz" and the other one might be "price per unit (the entire slab)

Mrs. T. said...

I totally agree, Patty.

Kimarie said...

I live in Florida, too, and I agree with you on how frustrating the labeling can be! Aldi and Sam's Club are my regulars, and Winn Dixie and Publix ONLY for the sales.

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