Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Valentines / Matters of the Heart / Stumbling in Life / A Friend to Help You Up

Valentines Quote for the Day:

Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.  That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.  ~Emily Kimbrough
I don't know anything about Emily above, but isn't that quote the truth? Webster's online dictionary says that "stumble" means:

  1. to fall into sin or waywardness 
  2. to make an error
  3. blunder
  4. to come to an obstacle to belief
  5. to trip in walking or running
  6. to walk unsteadily or clumsily
  7. to speak or act in a hesitant or faltering manner
  8. to come unexpectedly or by chance
  9. to fall or move carelessly

These are listed in the order in which they appear in the dictionary. I was surprised that #1 was first on the list.   I had expected #5 to be.  

I think of going "hand in hand" both literally--actually holding hands with  someone or lending a helping hand, and figuratively--coming alongside another, loving them and being their friend or companion.  Everyone needs someone to encourage or hold them up at times even though some like to think that they do not.  Some relationships are casual i.e.  Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn, the grocery store. A few are a bit deeper such as  church friends or maybe your longtime  neighbors.  Others may know you quite well such as family members, roommates, work colleagues. Then there are the most intimate personal relationships-- parent, fiancé/fiancée,  spouse.    All of these relationships have the potential to become  hand in hand relationships regardless of how superficial they started and/or currently are.

Whichever relationship you  find yourself in, take a chance and be a little vulnerable.  It is good to know others and to be known.  It's also difficult to admit that we each stumble in our choices, our words and our actions.  None of us likes it brought to our attention that we have made a mess of things, said the wrong thing or really fouled up.   Having someone you trust who is close enough to help you when you stumble, in whatever sense you use the word, is a blessing from the Lord.  (Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10)   If you do not have at least one close companion whom (a) would notice  if you stumble,  or  (b) you could call for help  if you do, ask God to send you one.  You may be surprised whom He brings into your life and it may actually be the start of a wonderful relationship together seeing each other as you really are with the masks removed.  

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