Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Week as Juror: The Aftereffects / The Future

This is my last article from my week as a juror...

Aftereffect:  an effect that follows after the primary action of something 

A trial like this one can create some aftereffects.  Actually, even during the trial I experienced one--I threw up over the weekend before we deliberated.  I think that not being able to discuss it with anyone for that long a time caused this.  (No one else in my family even had a slight stomach ache and we all ate the same foods.)    Maybe that's why women live longer than men, in general, because we tend to discuss and talk things out more.

Our juror "family" has been keeping in touch over the week.  Some have experienced nausea, crying, uneasiness, fear, anxiety and sleeplessness.  The crisis counselors told us to expect this and that it was normal and should subside over time.  It was surprising to all of us though, including myself.  I thought I was desensitized to this sort of thing after seeing it in movies, TV, action programs, etc.  The differentiating factor was that this was real life and not make-believe, not makeup nor touched up photos, and real people portrayed the "parts"  that we could see and hear rather than actors on a screen in front of us.

It's been six days since the trial and thankfully, I am MUCH better and calmer.  I hope and pray that the rest of the jurors are as well.  I have been praying for them by name for that.  When we see each other again, and I'm sure that some of us will, I hope we have good things to remember, think  and talk about.  It was my sincere pleasure to serve with these dear people.

“Do not call to mind the former things,
Or ponder things of the past. 
Behold, I will do something new,
Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert."
(Isaiah 43: 18-19)

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