A dear "old" friend of mine just started a blog which has motivated me to put a thought down as well. I have had a title for months but no posts, so here I go. I imagine that this will be a blog of things that interest me--my Christian walk as a mother of two sons, my love of music as a pianist and teacher, all things financial related (budgeting, saving money, trends) and my part-time business of internet sales.
The name Mrs. T. comes from one of my former piano students who refers to me that way as do many of my sons' friends. I like it since my last name is rather long.
I am in the stage of life of beginning to let go of my sons now that they're getting older (one just turned 20; one is almost 15) and am grateful for the many years of closeness that we have had together. One
book that particularly has changed my way of thinking how to raise sons has been Wild at Heart as well as The Way of the Wild Heart (which I liked even better). Wish they'd been written and I'd read them earlier on. Boys grow into men (and mine are well on their way) which is the way it should be, but moms have to let them be men which I am in the process of learning.
Welcome to the bloggosphere, Tonya! :) Married life is great. Josh is trying to go back to school this semester, which is an exciting step for us. I'll be looking for work and still doing ministry with Highland. It's great that you have a blog! I'll be by again. :)
I got the book, Wild at Heart, for my nephew who has a one year old boy. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate, but it sounds like it was a good choice. Thanks for confirming this. :o)
Debbie, be sure his mom reads the book. It really helps us moms see things from a man's perspective (which is usually an enigma to us).
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