Friday, November 4, 2011

Have You Started Your Christmas Saving and Shopping Yet?

I don't know about you but all of a sudden, everywhere I shop I am seeing Christmas decorations and red and green packaging, colored lights... it's here. The Christmas shopping season has actually begun.  Today is November 4.  I saw the first decorated  Christmas tree in our city on Oct. 28.

I hope you have been saving $$ for your shopping spree and aren't planning to just use your credit card without having the money in the bank.  You have been doing this, right?  I posted previously on how saving  a even a small amount each week or month really adds up and you aren't shocked with your credit card bill in January.  After the October birthdays have passed, I usually set aside all of my music lesson income and some of my Ebay income for this.  My husband and I love giving generously at Christmas to our family, some friends and charities at Christmas.  When you plan for it, you can give freely and not be concerned about the $$.  As kids get older, you might consider a family trip with maybe one gift to be given there.  Be creative with your money.

Are you making your gifts?  If so,  have you started stocking up on the materials / ingredients needed?  Some gifts can be made way ahead of Christmas and you have probably already begun.  I like to bake loaves of bread for all of our neighbors so I usually do that the week of Christmas and each day that week, deliver a hot loaf right before dinner.    I've been seeing lots of Michael's and JoAnn's coupons in the paper just about each weekend to stock up on fabric and notions if you like to sew your gifts.  If you make cards or write Christmas letters, now is the time to begin to lessen the stress in December so you can celebrate Christ's birth well and not be anxious about how much there is to do.

Have you started your shopping?   I have a few ideas for giving but have not really gotten in the full swing of it yet.  I prefer shopping online rather than hitting the malls and I avoid Black Friday like the plague!  If malls are your favorite places to shop, plan carefully, watch for sales and compare prices online.  Try to not be spontaneous (OK, some spontaneity really is fun, like for stocking stuffers) but think carefully before purchasing and try to shop with a list.  Just like in buying groceries, a printed or written list and a budget help reign me in from overspending.  We are a visual people and love what we see around this time of year. Everything is so colorful and nicely packaged.  Don't be suckered into it.  Keep a level head and have a plan, or at least an outline.  :)  And don't get caught in January with a bill that you cannot afford to pay.

Have fun out there!

Proverbs 31: 27
She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. 

Proverbs 6:6-8
Go to the ant, O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise, 
Which, having no chief, officer or ruler, 
Prepares her food in the summer, and gathers her provision in the harvest. 

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