Monday, November 7, 2011

BOOK REVIEW: Clark Howard's Living Large in Lean Times

Living Large in Lean Times is Clark Howard's latest book.  I love  listening to this man.  You've probably heard him on the radio.  His information is really practical and he's fun to listen to on the radio or on podcast.  I was on a wait list at our local library and got this book about a week ago.  Unfortunately, it's a limited 2-week checkout since so many want to read it right now, so I  "crammed" over the weekend so I can return it  tomorrow (and avoid a late fee).

I was familiar with a lot of the information in this edition, but here are some tips that I had never heard before:

  • Did you know you can get FREE antibiotics (with a Rx, of course) at Publix?  More info HERE
  • Have you ever heard of the website  Volition for freebies and money-making opportunities?
  • Amazon sells lots of things but did you know they sell FRESH flowers?  He talks about buying groceries there and I found this while searching.
  • I've heard of Pandora radio, but have you heard of Grooveshark? or the app?
  • Did you know that Coke owns Dasani bottled water? or that Pepsi owns Aquafina? and that they are both actually tap water?
  • Are you aware of the dangers of wearing "toning" shoes?    I know this is true myself because I bought some several months ago, wore them for awhile and ended up with my back/hip out of joint.  I couldn't return them since they were worn, but thankfully, I sold them on Ebay for what I paid for them.
  • We disagree on the matter of home warranties.  Clark discourages them.  We have had ours with American Home Shield for 13 years and just about every year it more than pays for itself.  It covers all major appliances, our pool pump, the electrical system, ductwork, A/C and plumbing.  We have had a few expenses that covered the cost of the warranty for several years!  I highly recommend them when purchasing older homes likes ours.
  • If you are a veteran, use USAA insurance.  It does not matter how long you served.  I have family members who are eligible for this and they have alway raved about it.  On that subject, if you are a spouse of a veteran of Medicare age as my now-deceased mother-in-law was, you are eligible for the military's  Tri-Care for Life.  My MIL did not know she was eligible for this medical coverage and had been paying her Medicare gap amounts herself.  She was actually eligible for 30+ years before I found out  about it and she came to live with us.  It could have saved her thousands  of $$ over the years.
Check out this excellent book.  You won't be disappointed and/or listen to his radio program or podcast or catch his TV program.  He's also on Facebook.

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Parsley "Tea": A Natural Diuretic

Parsley "Tea" I was walking with my daughter-in-law this morning and thought I had posted about this here... such a great tip when...