Saturday, June 4, 2011

Death of a Giant of a Man / When Dear Ones Pass Away

Yesterday a giant of a man (though small in stature) in the Christian faith that we have known for many, many years went home to be with the Lord.  I have such fond memories of his family, immediate and extended, over about three decades.  I met him and his wife when I was in  my early 20s and we attended the same local church.  He was one who loved the old hymns and music and treasured his family dearly.  He was a spiritual guide to many a young man.  He struggled with Alzheimer's over the several years   and more recently, bone cancer.   His wife discipled and helped me through a period of a year or so when I was in a dark place and really struggling spiritually.  I have never forgotten the blessing she was to me, especially at that time when I was a young single woman. [She is the sister of Liz whom I have mentioned in a previous blog post.]  I am privileged to play the piano for her husband's memorial service on Monday which I expect to be very worshipful.  It will be a bittersweet day but we rejoice that this godly man is now with the Lord where there is no more pain and suffering and every tear is wiped away [Rev. 21: 3-4].   His eldest son has maintained a blog about his dad over this past year  and has honored his father in doing so.  You will be blessed by reading some of his posts.

I'm sure this man's picture won't be in the national news like the other giant of a man (literally) who died the same day.  [I don't know much about "Matt Dillon's" personal life but I hope he was a believer, especially since thousands of young boys idolized him in their youth.]

My husband and I (and many others)  were greatly blessed to know our friend and our lives were richer for it.  Rest in peace, Stan, as you enter into the Kingdom of God.  Well done, good and faithful servant.

Psalm 116:15 
Precious in the sight of the LORD 
Is the death of His godly ones. 

Romans 12:15 
Rejoice with those who rejoice, 
and weep with those who weep. 

Psalm 90:12 
So teach us to number our days, 
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom. 

1 comment:

Linda said...

I enjoyed reading about Stan and know you will truly honor him as you play at the memorial service. Sounds like a wonderful man, who is now in the very presence of God.

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