Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Funeral of Forgiveness

Yesterday was a sad day... I played the piano for the funeral of a young man (age 22) who passed away last week.  He was a precious son, the only son, of two longtime friends whom I have known since I was in my early 20's.  Although the boy and I were not close, as a mother of sons I could imagine the grief that the parents and his sister were experiencing [if something happened to either of my sons, I'd be so, so sad]  This needless death  was the result of a drug overdose.

I've had the honor of playing at many funerals.  Those for children and young people are the saddest.  One thing that will stay in my memory forever are the touching words of the grieving mother:
...if you tried to help my son in any way, I thank you.
If you offered him drugs, I forgive you...

What a testimony to God's grace.  Only through Him could someone utter those words.  The increased volume of those weeping that ensued after she said this was noticeable and I'm sure her words struck the hearts of other young people who use drugs and were in attendance.  I've thought about those words often ever since she said them and prayed that they truly did make an impact upon the hearers.  I know they did on me.

From my seat at the piano before the service...

For all you young ones out there, take care of yourselves... you have no idea how your actions (and possibly your death) will affect your parents, your extended family,  friends, classmates...  Get help now.  If you know someone using drugs or abusing other substances (i.e. alcohol), tell their parents and help them get the help they need.  Stand up and do the right thing.

Rom 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 

Col 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. 

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