Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Mothers Day 2011 / Her children rise up and bless her...

I just realized that I never posted anything for Mother's Day...

This year, our two sons made a lovely lunch for us all and we spent the entire day together... a treat for any mom.  I'd rather be with them than anywhere else.   :)

Roses from our Mothers Day church service

Lunch at home for four
(I really don't enjoy going out on Mother's Day due to the crowds)

Salmon stuffed with crab, fresh asparagus, homemade bread and watermelon, with cheesecake for dessert later.  Mmmm....

They know I love outings for gifts as much or more than things (although I still do like presents).  :)  Our college-aged son will be taking me out to lunch in the next few weeks and our high school senior will be taking me to the midnight premiere of the final movie in the Harry Potter series in July.  We had SO much fun at last year's premiere which was my first midnight movie EVER.

As always, they made me sweet Mother's Day cards...we've given each other homemade cards since they were very small.  No more glitter and glue for them (I have kept all of those)...we all like making graphics cards on the computer/printer (I still use glitter and glue to touch them up though).  :)

A lovely Mother's Day at our house.

This is my when our older son was born, when I first became a mother.  :)

I am richly blessed.

Proverbs 31:28 
Her children rise up and bless her; 
Her husband also, and he praises her...

1 comment:

Linda said...

I can see how much you love to serve your family delicious meals, on a beautifully set table, and I agree about the crowds on Mother's Day. Sounded like the perfect day spent with your boys with future dates to look forward to!

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