Friday, July 29, 2011

National Night Out / Tuesday August 2, 2011 Get to Know Your Neighbors

Do you know your neighbors?  We are fortunate enough to know quite a few of ours.  We have lived in our home for almost 13 years.  Many have lived near us for far longer.  Several of us get together on the major holidays--Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day,  and around Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Another night we have been eating a meal together (usually a cookout) is National Night Out.

This night was instituted as a way for individuals in communities to befriend each other, watch out for each other and be alert to ward of possible crimes.  To symbolize that we are each doing that, porch lights are kept on from 7:00 p.m. (or when it gets dark) until at least 10:00 p.m.  Some people leave them on all night.  Our street always has  a meal together.  Everyone brings a dish, one neighbor sets up a large canopy tent, everyone brings their lawn chairs and we just eat and chat for a few hours.  It's really quite enjoyable.

Get together with your neighbors this year on this night or another and find out who they are, what their interests are, their children's names, etc.  This is of special importance for  singles and the elderly who may feel like they are all alone.

For more information on this event, go to THIS LINK.

Unfortunately, I have a mandatory school meeting that night so I have to miss ours (or at least go very late).  My husband and son will attend the one on our street on Tuesday night.  

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