Monday, January 26, 2015

This saved the day / spare car key

This key in my wallet saved the day last week. I put it here two years ago and had not used it since I had not locked my keys in my car in all that time. I stopped at the grocery store to run in for  a few things and left my car keys on the seat.

I had a meeting to attend before my husband got home and I would not have been able to go. 

I fussed and fumed for about 30 seconds and then remembered I had this key tucked in my wallet which was a really good thing because everyone in my family was a long way from where I was.    

Think ahead... If you have ever locked your keys in your car, keeping a spare in your wallet might save you one day.

The next step?  Get an extra car key made and put it in your wallet.

Parsley "Tea": A Natural Diuretic

Parsley "Tea" I was walking with my daughter-in-law this morning and thought I had posted about this here... such a great tip when...