Friday, January 7, 2011

Titus 2 Moms Devotional: New Year's Goals-- Me?

I gave a devotional talk this week at our Titus 2 Moms (T2M)  group.  Here are my notes for those that attended or anyone else who might be interested:

New Year's Goals-- Me?

I don't traditionally make New Year's Goals but I do have a vision set before me for the long haul.  I love lists--making them, checking off what I have accomplished...  The Bible has lots of lists.  A couple of them that women are often referred to are Titus 2: 3-5 and Proverbs 31: 10-31.   I don't know anyone who meets all of these qualities but most of the women I know have some of them. We are all growing and growing in grace and spiritual maturity.  You may develop other lists from the people you know.  Just looking around at the circle of women at T2M, there are women who do everything "green", those who research everything and anything and know SO much more than I do, those who exercise and eat right ALL the time,  those who sew in the middle of the night making all kinds of wonderful things, those who cook everything from scratch, those with seemingly "perfect" families...  Yes, we all love those lists that we make and want so much to check things off that we've done those things.  

Don't be defeated by these lists.  No one can be everything at all times, usually not even in a lifetime.  Why would we need each other if each of us could stand alone in these ways?   There are seasons of life when gifts and qualities and time to do what we desire are given to us.   But every season is a time for being holy and being who God made you to be.  Doing is a result of this being, so this year I would like to challenge you with a short list for 2011.  This comes from Micah 6:8:

Micah 6:8 
He has told you, O man, what is good; 
And what does the LORD require of you 
But to do justly, to love mercy
And to walk humbly with your God? 

This list focuses on what is on the inside and is reflected in our actions day to day.  Remember, that people look at our outward appearance but God looks at the heart [I Samuel 16:7].   We tend to focus more on the outside.  What is on the inside?

1. Do justly
None of us is right all of the time but with the Holy Spirit you know what is the right thing to do.  Even if you are not a believer, you still know from your conscience.  Little eyes, spouses, neighbors and family members are watching you all the time.  Ask God to be sure (James 4:17).  Renew your mind with the reading of God's Word (the Bible) yourself.  No sermon, commentary, small group or book can take the place of your own personal reading of the Bible.  Plus, how do you know if what you are hearing or reading is true and accurate and not taken out of context to prove a point?  Keep it out where you can see it, open it up to a passage, take a few moments or longer to read, pray and think on what it says.   Renewing the mind fills you with God's thoughts so you will know how to behave justly in speech, thought and action.

As a side note, doing justly sometimes requires accepting the consequences, good or bad.  It takes a person of courage to speak up when something is not just or right, particularly within a household or extended family.  Silence indicates approval but can also be a response due to fear.   I spoke on the topic of abuse the other night.  Whenever more than 10 women are gathered together, I have found in my lifetime, that often there is at least one who is experiencing some type of abuse.  Don't keep silent. There are church / spiritual and governing authorities to assist you in your time of need.

2.  Love mercy.
We all love and appreciate someone who is merciful and compassionate to us.  Seek to be one of those people.  Love one another as He has loved you  [John 13:34].   God has placed us in a specific point in time, in a specific city, neighborhood and family (close and extended) to be a people of compassion and be an example of his love to others.   We all have conflict. Who did NOT experience some type of conflict or hurt or anger during the holidays?  No one raised their hand.  It doesn't take much sometimes to set someone off.  I have been in a conflict for a couple of days myself with a family member.

When conflict happens, step back and look up this verse (or have it memorized or written down somewhere)--Philippians 4:8.  

Philippians 4:8  Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. 

Take the verse apart and remind yourself of what it says. For example, say I had an argument with my husband.  Here's what I would do:
  • whatever is true--we have completely different temperaments and often do not see things the same way 
  • whatever is honorable--he is the head of household and deserves respect for that position alone 
  • whatever is right--I over-reacted, he over-reacted on the spur of the moment; we were both tired
  • whatever is pure--my husband is a godly man, faithful to me alone and loves me and our children
  • whatever is lovely--he just gave me some beautiful Christmas gifts and a mushy card which he knows I like :)
  • whatever is of good repute--he has a good reputation, works hard and has alone provided for us for 21 years
  • if there is any excellence--he is an excellent architect and artist
  • if anything worthy of praise--I have seen him stand alone and do what is right when all others fell away
Thinking about all that makes me feel better already. :)  Try this. You will be amazed how it calms your heart.

3.  Walk humbly
The world does not revolve around me (as much as I might like it to)  or you or your children.  Walking humbly--my personal opinion is that this should be first in Micah's exhortation--puts God first.  His will, His Word, His instructions to us.  Nurture a grateful heart toward Him and toward other people.  I once learned from someone that humility is remembering that all we have or know, we have been provided for by God or someone else and/or learned it from someone else.  We truly have nothing to be proud of for He has given us everything, even the minds we have to think.  Realize that this day is only due to God's blessing and provision for you.  Humble yourself [I Peter 5:6]  or the Lord will do it for you (for your / my own good). [James 4:6, Prov. 15:25]

So, the short list again:

Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God. The other "things" on your long to do  lists  will come in their proper  time.  Don't fall into the comparison mode of what others are doing, particularly when you have young children at home.  The Lord is doing amazing things in your life already as a mom at home.  Will you not be aware of them?  [Isaiah 43:19]

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