Saturday, February 23, 2013

Meal Menu Planning

I took about 30 minutes this Saturday afternoon to plan all the dinner menus for next week.  Wow! What a relief.  I don't know why I haven't done this in awhile.  Instead, I've been planning about a day ahead or sometimes (eek!) the same day.

I used a couple of cookbooks I picked up at the library this morning, and my iCalendar (which syncs to my iPhone).  The menus use ingredients I know I already have in my pantry and freezer, so no more grocery shopping this week except for perishables.

Menu Meal Planning

I hope to keep doing this on a regular basis.  Sure makes life a lot easier and I avoid that 4:30-5:00 p.m. what's-for-dinner-tonight panic!

1 comment:

marzeniamiyzje said...

Looks really nice and well organized. I'm still looking for sam planning app for my mobile or some ideas how to plan everything. I heard that life ise easier when You've got a plan ;D:D

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