Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Acorns: New Beginnings and Possibilities

After my morning walk I typically work in the yard for a little bit and sweep our walkway as well.  While sweeping I spotted the first acorn of the fall (at least that I had seen) laying on the path. I'm sure it will be followed by thousands more as fall progresses.

Fall Begins Acorns and Possibilities

Most people look at the season of fall as a dying down, slowing down, kind of sad time of year.  I see it as a burst of color (even here in Florida on occasion) and a time of reflection foreshadowing events to come.  It is a harbinger of Thanksgiving and Christmas, family times, 6 birthdays in our  extended family, and a glimpse of cooler weather.  We all know what a tiny acorn can grow to be.  Possibilities and new beginnings are just around the corner...

Psa. 1:3 And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season, And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. 

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